Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Intrusion of Sound

There is too much noise.

When it forces its way into the expansion of my mind it destroys what is there. The sound tears apart the long strings of thoughts until they are nothing more than shreds of ideas. The smaller thoughts are scattered, far from where they used to be and far from others similar to them. Everything becomes chaos when the sound breaks in.

The noise seeps into my mind, filling it with things that should not be there, foreign pieces of the world. The words of others are all around, and my natural defenses kick in, rejecting all that I hear. However, the defense only works for a short while. After that time, the thoughts and words render all my protection useless. Then, my mind is free for the taking and every idea that was once mine is replaced with those of others. My mind is no longer mine.

Even once I've run away from crowd and the noise and the chaos, the sound lingers. I can feel the hot breath of those words on my skin spilling from the mouths of the people from whom I have run. The silent place I have found only amplifies the battle raging on in my mind. It seems as though the physical crowd has simply transferred into my head.

Can I never have silence?

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