Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Remembering the Present

Have you ever zoned out by remembering the past? It could have been reliving a memory or just thinking about small pieces of past. When you finally wake up from that memory it seems as though you have jumped forward in time. Everything had just felt so real in your mind. There was nothing that set it apart from what is actually happening. Only when you wake up do you realize you had slipped into your memories.

What if everything you are experiencing now is just another of those memories? Your present self is actually years ahead, sitting frozen, staring into space. Others around you are wondering at your sudden silence, but you cannot hear what they say. Your mind is back in the past. It is just a matter of time before you wake up and go back to the present.

If what we feel now is just a memory, it shouldn't matter what we do now. It has all already happened, so the choices we make have already been made. The "future" is already decided from what we have already done. Nothing we do will change anything, because what we do has been factored into the true present time. We can just sit and watch our past selves make the choices that affect a later time.

It boggles my mind to think as if this were the truth. Everything would be easier if it was. The problems I feel would already be over and solved. But this is not the truth. I must continue affecting the future and trying to solve my problems.

Or perhaps, that is what I remember believing.

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