Monday, February 21, 2011

Middle of the Night

I love the silence of the night.

At first, the only thing I can hear is silence. It is beautiful. Free of the noises of the day, thoughts can run free in the night. Then, I come to notice the humming of the vent beside my feet. I hear the blinds swaying and rustling from the draft passing by, and the creak of the bed as my sister turns over in her sleep. I wonder about what she is dreaming.

Sitting at my computer, I can hear the sounds of my fingers on the keyboard and the click of my faithful computer mouse. How nice it is to let my fingers channel into written words what I can not usually say. My little dog reminds me of her presence when she sighs a sleepy sigh. It is a gentle sound; it comforts my restless soul. The wind whistles outside, reminding me of how nice and warm this house is.

The chair creaks. I hear a car zoom by. I imagine a scenario that explains the reason for the passengers of the car to be in such a hurry in the middle of the night. I am envious. It would be nice to be able to just drive away and escape like that. I will find somewhere for me to escape to eventually.

I look at the clock. It reads 2:24. Everyone around me is surely asleep. I realize that my leg is asleep as well. How long have I been sitting here? The silence blankets over me once again. I yawn. Perhaps it is time for me to join the others in the world of dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Walking around outside at 3 in the middle of the night is even better- well once the novelty of being up at 2 inside wears off. I'm sure you'll discover this eventually..
